Friday, April 18, 2008

What is Edcation Essay

Amy Marron
What is Education?
Mrs. Konjura
April 17, 2008

What is Education?

What is education and what does it mean to me? Education is the process of training and developing the knowledge, skill, mind, character, etc. Education can be given anywhere, such as school, home, but actually it can be given everywhere. Everyone is given an education in this world today by getting a job. Without education, you can’t get anywhere in life.

Education is an essential part of everyone’s society without education no one could survive long. The main purpose of education is to teach, and pass on information to those who need it.
Education gives the power to make better choices in life. Every existent in life requires education. It also helps a student grow as a person and learn how to survive in everyday life.

In "How I Discovered Words: A homemade Education" by Malcom X starts out by talking about how he can't read. Once he's in jail, he teaches himself how to read and because of that he helped out with civil rights movement. Malcom X described himself as frustrated because he couldn't write to teachers the way he wanted to write and it just got to be frustrating.

In the movie Dead Poets Society there are many ways education is involved. One is that Neil says "For the first time in my life, I know what I want to do! And for the first time, I'm going to DO IT! Whether my father wants me to or not." This quote is totally true, you should be true to yourself and do what you want to do instead of what your parents want you to do. If you do what your parents want you to do you won't be happy and your future will not be what you want. Another example from the movie is when John Keating tells the boys "There is a time for daring and a time for caution, and a wise man knows which is called for." This quote relates to education by once you find something that you love take a chance at it even if you must be daring and cautious to do it.

In The Hidden Teacher by Loren Eisley, she talks about how we learn from teachers and what is all around us. I agree with what she says in this essay because we do learn from teachers but we also learn from surrounding too.

Education determines what kind of job you will have and what your future will be and without it you will have nothing. From reading these essays and watching this movie, it makes you realize how important education is and without it you're just setting yourself up for failure. John Keating: "Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all." Thoreau said, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation." Don't be resigned to do that. Break out! (Quotes)

1 comment:

ethan said...

I give this essay a 4 because it is good but it doesn't fully explain how the stories are about education. I kinda got lost sometimes and thought to my self how is that education.